Houston backs non-surgical neutering of male dogs

Houston approves the use of Neutersol (an earlier version of Zeuterin) for neutering male dogs without surgery.
By Best Friends staff

A new decision by the Houston City Council will change the way the county views animal sterilization. A relatively new FDA-approved product called Neutersol® will allow male dogs to be altered without going through surgery.

Neutering male dogs without surgery using Neutersol

A veterinarian can perform the sterilization process anywhere with just two injections; no special equipment or surgical rooms are needed. With the use of small needles the shots are nearly painless. The permanent and irreversible procedure is done without anesthesia and takes only five minutes.

Less expensive than neuter surgery

The city was approached by Houston's Spay-Neuter Assistance Program to consider Neutersol as a new tool for getting control of the pet overpopulation problem. The procedures are less costly, so animal welfare groups can devote more funding to spay and neuter programs.

The request caused no opposition; the council's landmark decision will change the Houston Code of Ordinances to allow animal sterilizations to include non-surgical methods.

In recognition of the new ordinance, SNAP will host a Fix'em for Free event in Houston, for male dogs, on a first-come, first-served basis. With the help of PETsMART charities, the group hopes to sterilize 5,000 animals in a nationwide campaign to promote alternatives to surgical sterilization.

Why should you spay or neuter your dog?

Spay/Neuter Services